Saturday, February 18, 2012

Water Blessings ~ Pray While Drinking Your Water

Symbols and words have been shown to have a remarkable effect on water crystals as discovered byDr. Masuro Emoto. Water receiving positive intentions, as well as clean spring water tend to turn out well-ordered, hexagonal crystals which is the ideal formation for our bodies to absorb the water. It becomes harmonized with how our bodies should take water in. Dr. Emoto's book The Hidden Messages of Water is available in our online store. Our bodies are 70% water, so it is definitely important to pay attention to the kind of water we put in!

An easy way to begin an end your day with gratitude is to drink a glass of water from a glass with a "gratitude" Water Blessing Label. Remember as you drink the water to appreciate all that you have.

    Appreciation of life itself,
    becoming suddenly aware of the miracle of being alive,
    on this planet,
    can turn what we call ordinary life into a miracle.

    Dan Wakefield
    According to the company: The Spirit of Water
      We believe that the power of intention transforms the human conditions that challenge us. We believe that prayerful intention not only transforms experience, but also transforms cells and generates the energy to physically and emotionally heal. And we also believe that praying or blessing the water we touch or use in our daily lives is an important way to carry messages of intention into our cellular universe through to our physical reality.
    Source: The Spirit of Water. Blessings.

Transform Water (or Medicine)

into Liquid Prayers

    Their original motto resonated with me also:

    Transform your water into Liquid Prayers.
The idea that I liked the most was using these labels was one of the testimonials that I saw by a Chemotherapy nurse. She used the labels in the hospital setting, placing words of encouragement "courage" and "love" for her patient on I.V. fluids.

The wheels started turning as to how these labels could be used on I.V. fluids, medicine or water in many different hospital settings as a way of helping patients (and families) focus their energies on the healing process.

As a physician I could see the potential for enhancing healing especially in the hospital and other medical settings. and turn water or medicine into a liquid blessing for the patient and also for the family members.
Source: Modified from National Library of Medicine, IV Bag.

 The most beautiful crystals result from the words 
"Love and Gratitude"

Words actually convert the vibrations of nature into sound. And each language is different. Japanese has its own set of vibrations that differs from American. Nature in America is different from nature in Japan. An American cedar is different from a Japanese cedar, and the vibrations coming from these words are also slightly different. In this way, nothing else holds the same vibrations as the word arigato.  In Japanese, arigatomeans ''thank you''.  But even when there is this mutual underlying meaning, arigato andthank you create different crystalline structures. Every word in every language is unique and exists only in that language.

So keep prayer in your heart and speak good, kind, loving intentions. 

With Truth, Love, Joy, Peace & Blessings, 

~ Shaline

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